Monday, October 18, 2010

Work at Home Freedom

Can a work at home business help you to become financially free? I guess that all depends on how you define "financially free." If you're thinking in terms of having enough money to pay your bills, I would say yes, a work at home business can help you attain that goal. On the other hand, if you're referring to doing what you want to do when you want to do it, I would also say yes, but with reservation.

Many people say they want to be financially free (do what they want when they want to do it), but never achieve that position in their life. Why? I believe that the majority of individuals do not know what it takes to make this goal become a reality, or it may not be a real goal, but rather a pipe dream.

"Freedom has often been stated as having the ability to do what you want, when you want; as long as it is truthful, honest, and does not violate the rights of others." That, according to my friend at the Help End Hunger Foundation, makes a strong point to the fact that freedom is as it means, that you are free to do whatever you would like to do. This is not a new concept nor is it rocket science. However, so many people find themselves in the same rat race year after year, even though they have said they wanted to be free. To me, it just doesn't make sense!

There are plenty of work at home businesses out there that offer the "freedom" yet not that many people reach that financial freedom plateau. Again, referring back to my original statement, either it's not a goal, or maybe they just don't know what it takes to succeed. Working from home takes dedication, hard work and discipline. It's so easy to get off track when working from home. The distractions can be plentiful. The comforts of your home can be a distraction in and of itself. But rather than the distractions, I believe it's the "hard work" aspect of a work at home business that discourages even the most disciplined entrepreneur.

When you're working for yourself you have to wear all the hats. You have to make all the decisions. You have to make the sales calls, and follow up with leads and/or interested clients. If you're selling a product, you may even have to be the delivery person. YIKES! How can one person do all those tasks and still find time for themselves? It may seem impossible, but there are ways to overcome it. One way is to form a team and delegate responsibilities.

Since the majority of home businesses are of the network marketing variety, teamwork should be a priority. After all aren't you part of a team (your network) to begin with? Shouldn't your upline help you with your business? Shouldn't your upline be looking out for your best interest? In a real network marketing business the answer should be a resounding yes. However, sad but true, many networkers are just looking out for number one, themselves. This may be the reason why so many work at home businesses collapse.

To become successful you first have to have a reason for doing the business (your WHY). You then have to take on the mentality of helping others, and putting them ahead of you. You have to find their reason for starting a work at home business and you have to remind them why they are doing this type of work, every step of the way. Helping others reach their goal should be your mission, and part of your every day practice. Remember, there is no "I" in team! If you're not helping others and leading your team by giving them daily responsibilities, you may be on the wrong path.

So, are you on the path to financial freedom? Are you financially free? If you have a home business and are not free or even on the path to financial freedom, you may have to take a step back and re-evaluate why. Are you being truthful, honest, and not violating the rights of others? You, and only you, know the answer to that question. A work at home business can give you the freedom, but the key to that freedom lies within.

If you don't know how to get started with teaching your team delegation, come to one of the Its Good Business training classes, or just visit the Its Good Business web site by clicking on the following link: Work at Home

Jeffrey Sloe
Web Prosperity System
Work at Home

Friday, October 15, 2010

TriVita Home Business

Many "Work at Home" entrepreneurs are faced with a seemingly very difficult uphill battle. Why? Because there are so many cut-throat competitors, along with increasing advertising costs, and the average customer/distributor retention rate that has dropped down to an average of less than 3 months.

To successfully generate a full-time income, or even a residual income, from home, through a network marketing business model in the Internet age, can be like trying to fill a bucket that is full of holes. Trying to find the "perfect" networker, the one that understands the business, can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Most distributors (I've heard around 90%) are spending way more money than they'll ever make. OUCH! I believe the reason this happens is because of the outrageous claims many network marketers make about making a six-figure income, in a very short period of time, and without doing any work.

As people join a home based business opportunity, one made of those ridiculous promises, they get fed up and quit. The ones that do stick it out for a slightly longer period do so because they realize they have spent their hard earned money and would like to get some sort of return on their investment. However, they typically wind up quitting anyway because they found that no one is building their work at home business for them. And it takes a lot more time and effort than they were initially told.

Building a successful work at home business does take time and it does take hard work. But, it can be very rewarding if you just stick with it. I remember reading this one quote when I first got started in my network marketing business; "Never Give Up!" There is a lot of wisdom in that statement. If I would have given up years ago, I probably would not be writing this article today. And I would probably be saying, "what if." However, today it's a little different, because now I can say, "What if... I would have quit?"

I don't know of any work at home professional that like the high attrition rate in this industry. That's why I have fond a way to combat it, with customers. You see customers are the life-blood of any business, not just one you work from home. Customers, people spending money on products or services, are the people that keep your business going in the long term, not independent reps, or distributors. Yes, I know there is an attrition factor with customers, but it's not has high as it is with work at home wannabe's (distributors).

So, it you're tired of dealing with downline attrition and small commission checks, you need to build a business based on a large customer base, NOT a large distributor base. There is one company that follows that business model, TriVita. Yes, TriVita is the only work at home business you will find on Google that is built on customers, not distributors. Our business building group at Its Good Business knows this first hand. We have several individuals that are working full-time from home. Why? Because they have a strong customer base, people who are buying TriVita products.

More and more work at home business owners are turning away from the traditional "MLM" business model, in favor of an increasingly popular "customer based" TriVita business. If you'd like to learn more about a TriVita home business, give me a call, or visit our "TriVita" web site.

Jeffrey Sloe
Work at Home
Home Based Business
Web Prosperity System

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get Educated Before You Work at Home

Is it just me or are there a lot of people walking around in a "Constant State Of Confusion?" It seems that they (you) spend their (our) entire lives just reacting to everything around them. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's the people (maybe even you) that never seem to move in a forward direction in their lives. Even when they (you) seem to take a step forward, they end up taking 2 steps backwards. This is especially true when it comes to people who would like to have a work at home business. And, with some people, this becomes so obvious, it even becomes predictable.

So, why are so many people in this constant state of confusion and non-forward movement when it comes to a work at home business? I believe it has a two-fold answer. First, people have been told that they can make lots of money from home just by working an hour or two a day. Although that may be true in some very rare cases, it's not the norm. Secondly, people have not been "educated" properly on what it actually takes to build a successful home based business. This, by far, is the main reason people wind up in a state of confusion, and walking away from their dream of owning a home business.

As I was writing this article, I received an email with the subject, "Legitimate Work at Home Job." Yes, believe it or not, there are a lot of legitimate jobs that you can work from home. Aside from that, what makes this email so confusing is the subtitle, "I want a job where I don't have to work a ton of hours to make a ton of cash," don't we all? I believe a statement like that is enough to cause someone to get all excited that they fill out the form and then join that opportunity.

After all, aren't most of us wired that way? Typically, we all want self-gratification and want to get paid what we feel we are worth.

However, after spending hours upon hours learning a new system (with our new business opportunity), we become confused and stop moving forward. We give up! We weren't looking to work more hours then our current job, but rather, work less and get paid more. It's easy to see why it can become confusing, and why someone would give up and stop moving forward?

This is the problem with many of the work from home business opportunities that you find online. They promise you lots of money with little or no work, but in all actuality, you wind up working more hours and getting paid less per hour than your current job. But, that's NOT what they promised, right? Exactly! That's were the confusion comes in, and why people get frustrated and that's were being properly educated, on what it takes to work at home, comes into play.

Education has been programmed into our heads ever since our first day of school. Our parents told us to pay attention in school, and to get good grades. As we got older we were told to get a great education so we could get a great job, but as we got older and got out of school, a lot of us wound up working in a field that we dislike. So we start looking elsewhere for that self-gratification that is supposed to come from our work.

With that said, if you're looking to work from home, it's important to get educated, to learn the ropes from someone that has been there, or is currently in that situation. Learn what it takes to become successful. Learn from someone that speaks the truth, not someone that will tell you what you want to hear. If someone claims to be an expert, ask them for their credentials, or do a search on Google, Yahoo! or Bing. If you can't find any information about them, they are probably NOT who they say they are. In that case, you should move on!

A work at home business is no different than a real job. You need to be educated. You need to know what the position requires. You need to get into classes or training, or read books or search the Internet. Learn what it takes to work at home before quitting your job. If you expect to get paid what your worth, get educated. Don't let days, months, years, and even decades go by with a lot more of the same "wandering generality" mentality. If you're in a state of confusion, about what it takes to work at home, learn so you can make an educated decision.

Jeffrey Sloe
Work at Home
Web Prosperity System

Monday, September 27, 2010

Work at Home Advice

Why do most work at home businesses fail? Is it a lack of will power or desire? Is it a lack of knowledge of "business" or just the business that you're involved with? What about a burning desire to succeed, or the willingness to be coached? Do any of the items listed above have anything to do with the high rate of work at home failures?

I believe all of the items listed above can be the downfall of any home business. However, the one factor I believe that caused the most failures in work at home businesses is the failure to listen. Yes, you read that correctly, the failure to listen. You see the majority of people love to talk. They talk about themselves; they talk about their family; they talk about their business; they talk abut their products; and they talk about just about everything else that involves themselves.

In all actuality, what these people are doing is selling. What are they selling? They are selling themselves, their business, and their products. And you know what? Most people hate to be sold! People love to buy, but they hate to be sold. So, if you want to become successful with your work at home business, ask questions and listen.

There is a lot of wisdom in the previous paragraph, because very few people ask questions and then stop to listen to the other person's answer. However, if you find a successful work at home business owner I can almost guarantee you that that person is very good listener.

I received the following excerpt in an email this morning. I'd like to share it with you.

Will You Stop Talking Long Enough To Listen?

Have you ever been in the instance where you simply could not wait to blurt out what you wanted to say?

Have you ever wished you had said what you had said?

How many times have you gotten into an argument with someone, when neither person was listening to the other person?

Have you ever been in a discussion with someone, only to discover a little later, that both of you were actually saying the same thing?

"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so"

There is a big difference between hearing and listening

Listening involves 3 processes:

  1. Interpret: This is where you begin to take in the information and assess it. As you hear the information you begin to make judgments on what you hear. You begin to either agree or disagree on the information.
  2. Evaluate: This is when you begin to determine what you will do with the information. Is it useful or not useful? How will you find the information if you find it useful?
  3. React: This is where you have actually evaluated the information, and you have made a full determination of what you think about it. This is the most challenging of the 3 processes; because it is so much better to respond than to react.
There are 4 basic types of communication which people have:
  1. Phatic: This is the "getting to know you" or the "building of relationships" kind of talk.
  2. Cathartic: This is the release of "pent-up emotion" kind of talking. This is the spilling of emotional information, troubles, concerns, etc.
  3. Informative: This is the sharing of information, ideas, or data.
  4. Persuasive: This is used to reinforce information or ideas, or to change attitudes to produce a specific action.

"Our listening habits are not the result of training, but rather the lack of it"

Studies have shown that we spend about 45% of our waking hours listening.

It is interesting that we spend almost half of each day listening, yet it is one
of the least taught communication skills.

Tests have shown that immediately after hearing a 10-minute lecture, which was properly heard and understood:
  • Only one half of the information was retained
  • After 48 hours, only 25% is retained
This means that of all things listened to, only 25% will be understood and retained for any real time period.

Good listening habits can be taught, yet they seldom are.

Learn how to listen, and your life will take on great new meaning.
That email, courtesy of the fine folks at Help End Hunger Now, is great for any line of business. If you deal with people on a daily basis you need to know when to talk, when to ask questions, and when to listen. If you do not now how to listen, learn! Yes, you can learn how to listen, and I believe it is necessary to succeed in any business, especially a work at home business. Why? I mentioned it before: "Most people hate to be sold!" On the other hand, most people love to buy.

If your work at home business can get a person out of debt, or can make a person some extra money so they can purchase that new car or home, they will buy into your business. However, do not try to sell them, but rather ask the right questions, and then listen to their answers. When they give you their answer, ask another question, and once again, listen to their answer.

It may take some time to get used to this process; but, if you are persistent and you learn the skill of listening, your chances of becoming successful with your work at home business will greatly increase. If you learn the skill of listening together with asking the right questions, I believe you will be successful.

Jeffrey Sloe
Work at Home
Web Prosperity System
Home Business Marketing Group
TriVita Products

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Work at Home Business

From time to time people ask me what I do. Taking the low road, I usually say I'm a web designer and SEO strategist, even tough I love my TriVita business. So why would I not tell them about TriVita, and that I'm in a network marketing business? Like so many of us, I believe it's the fear of rejection. The fear of loosing a friend, or being accused of working some kind of a pyramid scheme. Whatever the case, bugging my friends to join me in business has never been a passion of mine.

So many individuals that have a work at home business bug their friends to death about joining them. I've seen plenty of relationships destroyed over network marketing, and I'm not about to join that group. However, after reading an article on Google, I may have to change my mind. Below is an excerpt of the article, which can be read in its entirety by going to,

...How refreshing!

It took almost 50 years, but there actually is 1 Network Marketing business (well, Trivita is actually called "Cooperative Marketing") that has FINALLY figured it out!

ALL of the problems people have ever had with network marketing - MLM absolutely do NOT exist here!

You know... SIMPLE things like "where do I find a constant source of people hungry for the products?" -or- "I don't like talking to friends & family about my businesses" -or- "" can't figure out how to recruit anyone... or don't like recruiting period" -or- "I don't want to stock products at home" -or- "I never see long term residual income because 95% of my downline quits every year" -or- ... (fill in the blank with what you hate most about MLM)

With Trivita, you can build a consistent, reliable & huge RESIDUAL income entirely from home WITHOUT having to bug friends and family or have any sales or marketing skills whatsoever.

Not only is this a legitimate, highly profitable home based Internet business, but it is now my #1 recommended business opportunity... and the ONLY network marketing business that I currently recommend... and will probably EVER recommend!

WOW!!! That's some statement regarding TriVita, wouldn't you agree? I would have to say that TriVita has figured out the network marketing industry. They have created a work at home business model that cannot be beat. It's the only home business opportunity where you don't have to bug your family and friends. However, you can if you really want to show someone how to create a genuine work at home business, and create long term residual income.

I've been working this business for just over two years, and all it has done is continue to grow. And I have one gentlmen in my upline that stopped working the business for 7-8 months, and came back to see the business has grown "exponentially." I don't think you can say that about many other network marketing businesses, of any at all. That is what TriVita is all about!

If you'd like to learn more about TriVita, call or email me. I'd love to share this terrific opportunity with you.

Jeffrey Sloe
Video Email Marketing

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea

I've been asked this question several time: "Are there any side effects and/or any known conflicts with prescription medication?"

Not being a healthcare professional, or a medical doctor, I cannot answer that question. However, from my research, I have yet to find a person suffering any side effects from drinking Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. I have also found that since Nopalea is an all natural product, there are no currently known side effects, on its own, and/or with prescription drugs.

DISCLAIMER: I an NOT a medical doctor or healthcare professional, nor to I portray myself as such. ALWAYS check with your family doctor or healthcare professional before taking any nutritional supplement.

In a recent TriVita Weekly Wellness Report newsletter, Brazos Minshew, TriVita's Chief Science Officer, answered the question, "Is it safe to take Nopalea with my medications?" this way:

"There are no known conflicts between Nopalea and medications. Nopalea contains natural ingredients and its main ingredient is derived from the fruit of the Nopal cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) from the Sonora Desert. It is low calorie and low carbohydrate, so it must be calculated as any other food in your total dietary intake of these macronutrients."

"Some of the older blood thinners are more easily adjusted if a person is not eating vegetables or fruit or drinking juices during the 'calibration' phase. Your doctor or pharmacist will give you specific instructions if this pertains to you."

"Always ask your health care team if you are in doubt or have questions. However, TriVita's Medical Advisory Board has examined Nopalea closely. In general, there are no known conflicts between Nopalea and medications."

To learn more about Sonoran Bloom Nopalea, click on the previous link. If you have further questions about Nopalea, contact your medical doctor or healthcare professional.

Jeffrey Sloe
TriVita Independent Business Affiliate, 12871028
Inflammation Fighter

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oracle Certification Exam Material

All Oracle Certification exams are closed book exams. There is no written material or notebook computers allowed in the testing area. All Oracle exam questions are either multiple choice, fill in the missing word or matching, where you match one list with another.

In order to pass the Oracle Exam, you need study material, or certification axam training material. Test4Actual is the leader in supplying certification candidates with current and up-to-date training materials for Oracle Certification and Exam preparation.

Oracle exam questions are created by our certified senior experts in combination with PROMETRIC or VUE true-to-date environmental examination of the original title. "Oracle Questions & Answers", including the latest examination of the original title, and with all the correct answers. Test4Actual promises that the Oracle Exam coverage of 97%.

To become an Oracle Professional, you need to complete all of the Oracle test objectives. With test4Actual Oracle exam material, you can study the test questions with the use of Oracle guide, and then test and evaluate your knowledge via our leading edge Oracle training resources.

Choose; Our material gives you the easiest and quickest way to get your Oracle Certification.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Free Web Statistic Tool

Using the Veretekk assets to promote your home based business, like TriVita, can be very rewarding. That's why when it comes to monitoring traffic to my web sites, I use Veretracking, the perfect web analytics tool. Knowing where the traffic is coming from can help you make better decisions on the type of campaigns that are working. This will help you stay focused on what works, and stop doing what doesn't work.

During our TriVita - Its Good Business - campaign, in which we generated hundreds of recruits, many Veretekk subscribers were using Veretracking to keep tabs on their web site traffic. This, as mentioned before, gave them a good idea as to what was working and what was not. Some individuals say that Veretracking records data than Google Analytics. It may, or may not be true, but it never hurts to give it a try. It's totally FREE!

Jeffrey Sloe
Internet Marketing Advisors

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Free Web Analytics Tool

Tracking traffic through web analytics, is important if you plan on running marketing campaigns. Having the data that's gathered by tracking software at your fingertips allows you to determine what campaigns are working and which ones are not.

Web analytics provides data on the number of visitors, page views, what site referred the visitor, IP address, etc., which helps you to gauge the popularity of the sites, and help you to do the market research.

VereTracking, by Veretekk, is an awesome webmaster tool that allows you full website monitoring and statistics - for free! A tracking tool like this anywhere else would cost upwards of $25/month. It comes with no popups, spyware, trojan horses etc., and no bothersome banner ads either.

According to Wikipedia, "Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research. Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print advertising campaigns. It helps one to estimate how the traffic to the website changed after the launch of a new advertising campaign."

Some web analytics software, including Google Analytics do not capture the information that Veretracking captures. However, there are many individuals marketing on the Internet that use Google Analytics, probably because they do not know about VereTracking.

Veretracking let's you create an unlimited number of small code snippets that when placed on your websites or in your email provides you complete traffic statistics. You can signup for free right now or take a look at some samples by clicking on the following link: Free Web Analytics Tool.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Online Marketing System

There are many web-based resources that online marketers can, and do, use to get their message out to the world. One such resource, Facebook, may not be the best resource after all, unless you use it properly. There has been some disagreement as to the way your personal information may be getting used. Watch The Truth About Facebook video below to see what I'm talking about.

So, what do you think? Are special interest groups using your Facebook information for their own personal gain? Is the government using your Facebook information to keep tabs on you? Or is Facebook just a harmless social networking site? I guess you have to make the call, because after all, it's YOUR information that they have access to.

To become successful, marketing on the Internet, it takes hard work, and a lot of time, and using the right tools, like Facebook and other social sites, can help. However, just be aware of the fact that when you sign up for any online service, YOU have to accept the TERM of USE. Always make sure you know what your are agreeing to, and what CAN happen to your personal information.

One online marketing tool that I've been using for four years is Veretekk. And I know for a fact that my information is safe with the CEO, Thomas Prendergast. Not only do I get outstanding customer support and training, I get what he promises. You cannot and will not find a better system, anywhere on the Internet, than Veretekk.

Veretekk is in the process of upgrading the system to version 2, and what that means is a lot of enhancements, and added value. Some new V2 enhancements are already in place, such as, two thousand free leads per day, a free five person web conference room, a new and improved Drill, and a free 30 day free trail of a gold system.

If you market on the Internet, Veretekk is a must. As a matter of fact, if you're not using a Veretekk system, you're fighting an up hill battle with the person that is using a gold system. Veretekk delivers results and will blow your competition out of the water. To learn more about the online marketing system, Veretekk, click on the following link: Free Online Marketing System Trial.